Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships For Success Communities of Practice in Southeast Ohio
The SPF-PFS is a federally funded substance abuse and prevention initiative that builds workforce capacity and prevention system infrastructure. Beginning in Federal Fiscal Year 2020, two community-based substance abuse prevention coalitions in Appalachian, Ohio became subrecipients under a five-year award. The Adams County Medical and Foundation and Impact Prevention, Inc. in Lawrence County have partnered to form a community of practice and are leveraging coordination from Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service and the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation.

The video showcases how the SPF-PFS, a federally funded substance abuse and prevention initiative, builds workforce capacity and prevention system infrastructure. In Ohio, two Appalachian communities, in Adams and Lawrence Counties, are leveraging this funding to address substance use with locally determined, data-driven, and evidence-informed strategies.